General technical questions
What is the Deployment Cockpit?
The Deployment Cockpit is a convenient graphical user interface for defining and parametrizing TABEX Servers used for the Web Application.
For this, open the web application file provided by BOI (file with WAR or EAR extension). Click the button "Connection settings": Now, you will see a list of all TABEX Servers that are displayed on the login screen.
The parameters of the individual server connections are displayed clearly and grouped for each connection.
You can specify the following parameters for each TABEX Server:
- Monitor settings (host, port, timeout, ...)
- Debug settings (debug and trace level, log path, ...)
- Layout settings (behavior of the scroll bar, ...)
- RACF monitor settings (host, port, timeout, ...)
To minimize your configuration effort, you can define default values, which will be used for parameters whose values have not been changed.
You can assign the server connections to different groups. These assignments are displayed in a well-arranged matrix. A server connection can be assigned to several groups.
During editing, you can temporarily save your definitions. It is possible to switch to an older, temporarily stored definition within the active session (undo).
After having finished configuring, you can create the web application file including your settings by saving the WAR / EAR file.
Use function „Save configuration“ to save your settings. You can re-use them for the next release as follows: Open the new WAR / EAR file and load your defined settings with the function „Open saved configuration“. Then, save the new WAR / EAR file.
How do I define a summary database used in a TABEX4 browser application?
You need to take the following steps:
- Define the partial databases of the summary DB in the alloc script in Unix directory "etc"with the following command:
ALLOC FI(ddname) ... - Enter the DD name of the file containing the summary specifications in the sysparm of the web application. The sysparm is defined in file, folder WEB-INF of your TABEX Application.
Example: You want to name the file, that contains the summary specifications, DDDEFS. Thus, you need to extend the sysparm with an entry "CTDD":existing-sysparm-statements,CTDD=+DDDEFS
- Now, add this file (DDDEFSin our example) to the alloc script as well. Please make sure to add it as text file with fixed record length 80:
See also:
- NameSummary-DB ... MYSUM
- Name 1st partial DB ... MYPARTA
- Name 2nd partial DB ... MYPARTB
The entry in file DDDEFS needs the following structure:
For a summary DB:
ddsummary:dsn>dd1-dd2(-dd3-..ddn) |
For a chained summary DB:
ddsummary:dsn>>dd1-dd2(-dd3-..ddn) |
Which allocation levels are available for TABEX Databases?
General information
When a user logs in, a new TABEX4 Monitor session is started, in which allocations of databases are executed in several stages.
The following levels of allocation are available:
- Monitor allocation script (zOS) or JCL file (Unix, Linux, Windows)
- Dynamic allocation table of the session (sysparm settings)
- Dynamic allocation table of the user (user profile settings)
- Dynamic allocation table of the instance (instance configuration settings)
By implementing exits, further customer-defined allocations are possible.
Please note: If you allocate a file for a DD name, you must not use that DD name for any further allocation, neither in the same level, nor in any other.
Level 1: Monitor allocation script (zOS) or JCL file (Unix, Linux, Windows)
After a new session has been started by the monitor, the session executes the commands defined in a script/JCL file.
Details see: BOIDOC-226_Tcpip-monitor (for zOS) and BOIDOC-224_cs_admin (for Windows, Unix, Linux), as well as the sample for Level 1 (see below).
Level 2: Dynamic allocation table of the session (sysparm settings)
If keyword SESALCID is found in the sysparm, further session allocations from a TABEX Table (“dynamic allocation table “) are executed.
Details see: BOIDOC-209a_Config and the sample for Level 2 (see below).
Level 3: Dynamic allocation table of the user (user profile settings)
If keyword DYNALC is found in the user profile (or in a copybook embedded in the user profile), user-specific allocations from a TABEX Table are executed.
Details see: BOIDOC-209a_Config and the sample for Level 3 (see below).
Level 4: Dynamic allocation table of the instance (instance configuration settings)
If keyword DYNALC is found in the instance configuration table, instance-specific allocations from a TABEX Table are executed.
Details see: BOIDOC-209a_Config and the sample for Level 4 (see below).
Additional custom-defined allocation levels (exit implementation)
You can encode further allocations as custom exits, for example between level 3 and 4, by an instance initialization exit.
Details see: BOIDOC-209a_Config
Allocations of TABEX4 Delivery Databases
The following TABEX Databases and their concatenation databases must be allocated in Level 1:
At the latest in level 3, the following TABEX Databases and their concatenation databases MUST BE allocated:
Details see: BOIDOC-209a_Config
Allocation sample for Level 1
Monitor allocation script for zOS
JCL file for Unix, Linux, Windows
FILE = INTSRC '<tabexcus>/.tdb'<tdb> |
Allocation sample for Level 2
sysparm = SESALCID=XY |
When this sysparm statement is added to file, single version table $TABI4ATXY is searched in database OPSMSG and the allocations defined therein are executed.
The structure of the entries of single version table $TABI4ATXY is similar to these of the monitor allocation script for zOS and the JCL file for Unix, Linux, Windows shown in the sample for Level 1.
Allocation sample for Level 3
Entry in profile of user BOI
When entry DYNALC = DYNALC_BOI-99999999(OPSMSG) is added to the profile of user BOI, single version table DYNALC_BOI is searched in database OPSMSG and the allocations defined therein are executed.
The structure of the entries of single version table DYNALC_BOI is similar to these of the monitor allocation script for zOS and the JCL file for Unix, Linux, Windows shown in the sample for Level 1.
Allocation sample for Level 4
Entry in the instance configuration table
When entry DYNALC = DYN_INST05-99999999(OPSMSG) is added to the configuration of instance $ICFG_005, single version table DYN_INST05 is searched in database OPSMSG and the allocations defined therein are executed.
The structure of the entries of single version table DYN_INST05 is similar to these of the monitor allocation script for zOS and the JCL file for Unix, Linux, Windows shown in the sample for Level 1.
How do I create a dump of a TABEX4 browser session under zOS?
Requirements and preparations
In order to analyze an error, BOI needs the following information:
- Log files containing informaiton about the abort (register contents, call context)
- Formatted dump
Please note: All files have to be created with the same browser session. Otherwise, the analysis is not possible.
Log files
You can set the log file directory and names with the following monitor parameters
By setting standard values, the log files are created in directory logs of the TABEX4 USS directory:
?HFSP? is the TABEX4 USS directory. The monitor replaces %u with the session number.
The system prints the dump in a file allocated as SYSUDUMP. For this, you need to take the following measures:
Change the call parameter for the session monitor in the start JCL:
Change the language environment option TRAP(ON) to TRAP(OFF), e.g.:
Please note: For normal operating state, TRAP(ON) is required. TRAP(OFF) prevents the delivery of signals in Posix applications.
Add the ALLOC statement for SYSUDUMP in the alloc script of the monitor sessions:
When using the default monitor parameters, the script is located under the name alloc in subdirectory etc of the TABEX4 USS directory.
Dump file format
Organization: PS
Record format: VBA
Record length: 125
Block size: 1632
How do I define rules for assigning table names?
You can define rules for assigning table names by using a check table. To create it, you need to:
- assign the check table with the function administration / application / general settings / assign check table
- create the check table in database TABCNT via the TABEX4 Console or the functions
TABEX database / new / create copy of table and
TABEX database/ management / edit without data checks
Specify the table name as field TI_TABLE, the version date as TI_FROMDAT and the version info as TI_INFO.
- Assign the check table:
Table: $TAB4PT001
Control table: ctrltab (the name of the check table is freely selectable).
- Sample of a check table:
MS | Name must consist of ABCD | EF | |